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Maintaining your AEDs with in-date pads and batteries can make the difference between life and death. This is particularly important for communities in remote locations or where AEDs were donated. Our ENHANCED ANNUAL SERVICE PACKAGE provides a full onsite service with a host of additional benefits to constantly keep you covered.


Comprehensive Defibrillator Checks

The 26-point service includes:

  • Visual Inspection: Ensuring full functionality with no damage to the case, screen, buttons, or connections.

  • Battery and Pad Check: Verification of installation date and replacement schedule.

  • Pad Terminal Check: Ensuring it functions correctly and is clear of debris.

  • Pad Compatibility and Condition: Confirming the pads are suitable for the model and in good condition.

  • Shock Administration Check: Testing the defibrillator with a simulator to ensure it administers a shock correctly at the right energy level during a shockable heart rhythm (VF or VT) and does not administer a shock when not appropriate (no heart rhythm).

  • Calibration Certification: Ensuring the device is properly calibrated.



  • A loan AED within 48-hours (normally next business day) should yours become unavailable,

  • Annual onsite service,

  • Additioanl on-site service should your AED be used,

  • 10% discount on replacement pads,

  • 10% discount on replacement batteries,

  • 24/7 Telephone support,

  • Online training for your AED. 

AED Servicing - Annual Cover - ENHANCED

Excluding VAT
  • Onsite service - no delivery required

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